Welcome to BeltActive! On this page, you will find the most common questions asked during the shopping process and their answers. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions section for more details. If you need more detailed information about shipping, returns, payment methods, or terms of service, please follow the links to our relevant policy pages.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can request a return within 14 days. You must send the item back in its original packaging and unused condition. However, since we ship internationally, we do not provide return shipping labels. Therefore, customers are responsible for covering return shipping costs; otherwise, the return cannot be accepted. For more details, please see our Returns & Refunds page.
Once your payment is confirmed, your order will generally be handed over to the carrier within 1–2 business days. Delivery times may vary depending on your country and chosen shipping method. For more information, please visit our Shipping Policy.
Our payment methods can change frequently, so we do not list specific brands or services. However, we aim to offer popular and secure payment options. You will see the available methods during checkout. Our payment infrastructure uses encrypted connections to protect your transactions at all times. For more information, feel free to visit our Secure Checkout page
BeltActive products can be shipped worldwide. Whether you live in a major city or a remote area, you can easily receive your order via our international shipping service. To learn more about the available shipping options and costs, check our Shipping Policy.
You can find detailed information about your rights and obligations when using our site in our Terms of Service page. These terms govern everything from placing orders to creating accounts on BeltActive.
If you need assistance with your order or have any other questions, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page. Our customer support team is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and will be happy to help.
Secure Payments and Data Protection: All payment processes use robust encryption standards, ensuring that your personal information remains safe.
Easy Return Process: We’ve designed our return process to be as straightforward as possible, but we cannot provide return labels for international shipments—this cost is the customer’s responsibility.
Payment Methods Updated Regularly: Payment methods may vary over time. You can see which methods are available during checkout.
Thank you and happy shopping!